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alternating deposits

  • 1 alternating deposits

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > alternating deposits

  • 2 alternating deposits

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > alternating deposits

  • 3 alternating deposits

    переслаивающиеся [чередующиеся] отложения

    English-Russian mining dictionary > alternating deposits

  • 4 чередующие отложения

    Русско-английский словарь по нефти и газу > чередующие отложения

  • 5 deposit

    1. отложение, осадок || осаждаться 2. залежь; месторождение 3. pl. наносы
    to deposit the sediments образовывать пласты, наслаивать
    deposit of moisture запасы влаги
    deposits of snow наносы снега
    abyssal deposits абиссальные [глубоководные] отложения
    actinosiphonate deposits актиносифонатные отложения (у наутилоидей)
    aggradational deposits намывные отложения
    allochthonous deposits аллохтонные отложения
    alluvial deposits аллювиальные отложения
    alternating deposits переслаивающиеся [чередующиеся] отложения
    annulosiphonate deposits аннулосифонатные отложения (у наутилоидей)
    aqueoglacial deposits водно-ледниковые [флювиогляциальные] отложения
    aqueous deposits водные отложения
    autochthonous deposits автохтонные отложения
    backswamp deposits отложения пойменных болот
    bank deposits отложения отмелей, отложения местных поднятий (в отличие от более обширных пластообразных отложений шельфа)
    bathyal deposits батиальные отложения
    beach deposits отложения пляжей, пляжевые отложения
    bedded deposits слоистые отложения
    bedded ore deposits слоистые рудосодержащие отложения
    bedding-plane deposits слоистые отложения
    biochemical deposits биохимические отложения (результат жизнедеятельности организмов)
    biogenic deposits биогенные отложения
    biomechanical deposits биомеханические отложения
    blanket deposit-s покровные отложения
    boreal transgression deposits отложения бореальной трансгрессии
    brea deposits отложения кира
    by-stream deposits отложения берегового вала реки
    cameral deposits Ceph. камерные отложения
    carbonate deposits карбонатные отложения
    cave deposits пещерные отложения
    cement deposits золотоносные кембрийские конгломераты
    chambered deposits отложения в камерах, отложения в трещинах
    channel deposits 1. русловые отложения, русловые осадки 2. рукавообразные залежи
    channel-fill deposits русловые отложения
    channel-lag deposits отложения потока
    chimney deposits отложения трубообразной формы
    coal deposits залежи угля; угольные месторождения
    coarse deposits грубообломочные отложения
    coastal deposits береговые отложения
    coastal nonmarine deposits береговые неморские отложения (выше уровня прилива)
    colluvial deposits коллювий, коллювиальные отложения
    commercial deposit месторождение, пригодное для разработки
    complex deposit полиметаллическое месторождение
    concealed deposits погребённые отложения
    condensed deposits уплотнённые отложения, уплотнённые осадки
    contact deposit контактовая залежь
    continental deposits континентальные отложения
    covering deposits покровные отложения
    crevice deposits отложения, заполняющие трещину
    cumulose deposits кумулятивные отложения (почвенный материал, состоящий в основном из частично разрушенного растительного вещества, накопившегося in situ, напр. торф)
    debris deposits отложения любого несвязанного обломочного материала
    deep-sea deposits глубоководные морские отложения
    deep-water deposits глубоководные отложения
    deformed deposits деформированные [нарушенные] отложения
    delta(ic) deposits дельтовые отложения
    descensional deposits унаследованные осадки (образовавшиеся в результате скопления продуктов разрушения других пород)
    detrital deposits обломочные отложения
    disk-like deposit дискообразная залежь
    dislocated deposits нарушенные отложения
    disseminated deposits рассеянные вкрапленники (каких-л. минералов или руд во вмещающих отложениях, осадках, породах)
    drift deposits отложения ледникового происхождения
    dumped deposits отвальные отложения
    dust deposits отложения атмосферной пыли
    enclosed deposit замкнутая залежь (заключённая в породе, пласте)
    eolian deposits эоловые отложения
    epigenetic deposits эпигенетические отложения
    episeptal deposits эписептальные отложения (у наутилоидей)
    epithermal deposits эпитермальные отложения
    estuarine deposits эстуариевые отложения
    exposed deposits отложения, выходящие на дневную поверхность, обнажающиеся отложения
    extraglacial deposits экстрагляциальные [внеледниковые] отложения
    faulted deposits смятые в складки отложения
    ferruginous deposits железистые отложения
    filling deposits отложения выполнения отрицательных форм рельефа
    flanking deposits окаймляющие отложения
    flood deposits паводковые отложения
    flood-plain deposits пойменные отложения
    fluvioglacial deposits флювиогляциальные отложения
    fog deposits отложения [осадки] тумана (смесь переносимых ветром снежинок и замёрзших капель тумана)
    fumarolic deposits фумарольные отложения
    glacial deposits гляциальные [ледниковые] отложения
    glacial lake deposits отложения ледниковых озёр
    glacial-marine deposits морские ледниковые [гляциомарные] отложения
    growing avalanche deposits отложения пепловых потоков
    grain-flow deposits зернисто-потоковые отложения
    halogenic deposits галогенные отложения
    hanging deposits отложения крутых склонов
    harbor т-s озёрная россыпь
    hemipelagic deposits гемипелагические отложения
    heteromesical deposits гетеромезические отложения
    heteropical deposits гетеропические отложения
    heterotaxial deposits гетеротаксиальные отложения
    high coal deposit угольный пласт большой мощности
    homotaxial deposits гомотаксиальные отложения
    huangho deposits отложения типа хуанхэ (аллювиальные отложения прибрежных равнин)
    hydrothermal deposits гидротермальные отложения
    hypogene deposits гипогенные отложения
    hyposeptal deposits гипосептальные отложения (у наутилоидей)
    ice-laid deposits моренные отложения
    impregnation deposits вкрапленные отложения (осадки, содержащие включения каких-л. минералов)
    internal mechanical deposits внутренние механические отложения (кальцита во вторичных полостях)
    interstitial deposits интерстициальные отложения, отложения, заполняющие поры в породах
    iron deposits залежи железных руд
    irregular coarse deposits разнозернистые отложения
    isopical deposits изопические отложения
    lacustrine deposits озёрные отложения
    lag deposits остаточные отложения
    lagoonal deposits лагунные отложения
    lake deposits озёрные отложения
    late-glacial deposits позднеледниковые отложения
    lenticular deposits линзообразные отложения
    limestone deposits известняковые отложения
    littoral deposits литоральные [прибрежные] отложения
    lode deposits 1. отложения, имеющие жильную форму залегания 2. жильное месторождение
    low-coal deposits отложения с тонкими пластами угля
    magmatic deposits магматические отложения
    manto deposits плащеобразные отложения
    marine deposits морские отложения
    massive deposits массивные отложения
    meltwater deposits отложения талых вод
    metalliferous [metal-rich] deposits металлоносные отложения
    minable deposit промышленное месторождение
    mineral deposit месторождение полезных ископаемых
    mural deposits муральные отложения (известковые отложения на боковых стенках камер наутилоидей)
    near-shore deposits прибрежные отложения
    neritic deposits неритовые отложения
    niveo-eolian deposits отложения, представляющие собой смесь принесённых ветром песчаных частиц и минеральной пыли со снегом и льдом в условиях полярной аккумуляции
    nodular deposits желвакообразные отложения
    obstruction deposits преграждённые отложения (накопившиеся у какой-л. преграды)
    offshore deposits прибрежные отложения
    oil deposits 1. нефтеносные отложения 2. нефтяные залежи; нефтяные месторождения
    open-space deposits отложения в пустотах породы
    ore deposits отложения руды; рудосодержащие отложения
    organic deposits органогенные отложения
    overbank deposits пойменные отложения
    overlying deposits вышележащие [покрывающие] отложения
    oxide-silicate deposits оксидно-силикатные отложения
    paralic deposits паралические отложения
    peat deposits торфяные отложения, отложения торфяных болот
    pelagic deposits пелагические отложения
    peneplain deposits отложения пенепленов
    petroleum deposits нефтеносные отложения
    piedmont deposits отложения предгорий
    pipelike deposit трубообразное залегание отложений
    placer deposits россыпные отложения, отложения россыпей
    podiform deposit линзообразное залегание отложений
    point-bar deposits отложения кос
    polygenetic ore deposit полигенное рудное месторождение
    primary deposit 1. первичное залегание отложений 2. коренное месторождение
    prodelta deposits придонные отложения части дельты, располагающейся за пределами собственно дельты
    proglacial deposits прогляциальные [предледниковые] отложения
    pyroclastic deposits пирокластические отложения
    replacement deposits 1. отложения, возникшие в процессе замещения 2. метасоматические месторождения
    residual deposits элювиальные [остаточные] отложения
    rhythmic-bedded deposits ритмично-слоистые отложения
    roll-type deposits отложения, имеющие текстуру окатышей
    saline deposits соляные отложения
    sandy deposits песчаные отложения
    sapropel deposits сапропелевые отложения
    sedimentary deposits 1. осадочные отложения 2. осадочные месторождения
    shallow-water deposits мелководные отложения
    sheet deposit пластовая залежь; пластовое месторождение
    sheet-flood deposits отложения, образовавшиеся в результате плоскостного смыва
    sheet-like deposits пластообразные отложения
    sheet ore deposit пластовая рудная залежь
    shelf-edge deposits отложения внешней краевой зоны шельфа
    shell deposits ракушечные отложения, ракушечник
    shoe-string deposit шнурковая залежь
    shore deposits отложения береговой зоны
    siliceous deposits кремнистые отложения
    silting deposits отложения заиливания
    sinter deposits натёчные отложения, натёки
    siphonal deposits Ceph. сифональные [внутрисифонные] отложения
    skarn deposits скарновые отложения
    soil deposits почвенные отложения
    solid ore deposits коренные рудные отложения
    solution deposits отложения из растворов (возникшие в процессе химического выветривания)
    spotty deposits пятнистые [линзообразные] отложения
    stratified deposits слоистые [чередующиеся] отложения
    stratified ore deposits стратифицированные рудные отложения (месторождения)
    stream-laid deposits отложения речного потока
    subalpine peat deposits отложения нагорных торфяных болот
    subsequent deposits субсеквентные осадки, субсеквентные отложения
    sulfur-free deposits бессернистые осадки, бессернистые отложения
    superficial [surface, surficial] deposits поверхностные отложения
    synchronous deposits синхронные [единовременные] отложения
    syngenetic deposits сингенетические отложения
    tabular deposit пластообразная залежь
    talus deposits делювий; отложения осыпей
    terrestrial deposits континентальные [материковые] отложения
    terrigenous deposits терригенные отложения
    torrential deposits отложения временных бурных потоков
    unconsolidated glacial deposits неотвердевшие [нелитифицированные] ледниковые осадки
    unworkable deposits негодные для разработки отложения
    upstream deposits отложения верховьев рек
    vein deposit жильное месторождение
    vertical accretion deposits пойменные отложения
    water-logged deposits отложения заболоченных полузаиленных пространств
    wind deposits эоловые отложения
    workable deposits пригодные для разработки отложения, отложения, имеющие промышленное значение
    zeolitic ore deposit цеолитовое гидротермальное месторождение
    * * *

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > deposit

  • 6 чередующиеся отложения

    2) Oil&Gas technology alternating deposit

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > чередующиеся отложения

  • 7 перемежающиеся отложения

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > перемежающиеся отложения

  • 8 переслаивающиеся отложения

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > переслаивающиеся отложения

  • 9 Edison, Thomas Alva

    b. 11 February 1847 Milan, Ohio, USA
    d. 18 October 1931 Glenmont
    American inventor and pioneer electrical developer.
    He was the son of Samuel Edison, who was in the timber business. His schooling was delayed due to scarlet fever until 1855, when he was 8½ years old, but he was an avid reader. By the age of 14 he had a job as a newsboy on the railway from Port Huron to Detroit, a distance of sixty-three miles (101 km). He worked a fourteen-hour day with a stopover of five hours, which he spent in the Detroit Free Library. He also sold sweets on the train and, later, fruit and vegetables, and was soon making a profit of $20 a week. He then started two stores in Port Huron and used a spare freight car as a laboratory. He added a hand-printing press to produce 400 copies weekly of The Grand Trunk Herald, most of which he compiled and edited himself. He set himself to learn telegraphy from the station agent at Mount Clements, whose son he had saved from being run over by a freight car.
    At the age of 16 he became a telegraphist at Port Huron. In 1863 he became railway telegraphist at the busy Stratford Junction of the Grand Trunk Railroad, arranging a clock with a notched wheel to give the hourly signal which was to prove that he was awake and at his post! He left hurriedly after failing to hold a train which was nearly involved in a head-on collision. He usually worked the night shift, allowing himself time for experiments during the day. His first invention was an arrangement of two Morse registers so that a high-speed input could be decoded at a slower speed. Moving from place to place he held many positions as a telegraphist. In Boston he invented an automatic vote recorder for Congress and patented it, but the idea was rejected. This was the first of a total of 1180 patents that he was to take out during his lifetime. After six years he resigned from the Western Union Company to devote all his time to invention, his next idea being an improved ticker-tape machine for stockbrokers. He developed a duplex telegraphy system, but this was turned down by the Western Union Company. He then moved to New York.
    Edison found accommodation in the battery room of Law's Gold Reporting Company, sleeping in the cellar, and there his repair of a broken transmitter marked him as someone of special talents. His superior soon resigned, and he was promoted with a salary of $300 a month. Western Union paid him $40,000 for the sole rights on future improvements on the duplex telegraph, and he moved to Ward Street, Newark, New Jersey, where he employed a gathering of specialist engineers. Within a year, he married one of his employees, Mary Stilwell, when she was only 16: a daughter, Marion, was born in 1872, and two sons, Thomas and William, in 1876 and 1879, respectively.
    He continued to work on the automatic telegraph, a device to send out messages faster than they could be tapped out by hand: that is, over fifty words per minute or so. An earlier machine by Alexander Bain worked at up to 400 words per minute, but was not good over long distances. Edison agreed to work on improving this feature of Bain's machine for the Automatic Telegraph Company (ATC) for $40,000. He improved it to a working speed of 500 words per minute and ran a test between Washington and New York. Hoping to sell their equipment to the Post Office in Britain, ATC sent Edison to England in 1873 to negotiate. A 500-word message was to be sent from Liverpool to London every half-hour for six hours, followed by tests on 2,200 miles (3,540 km) of cable at Greenwich. Only confused results were obtained due to induction in the cable, which lay coiled in a water tank. Edison returned to New York, where he worked on his quadruplex telegraph system, tests of which proved a success between New York and Albany in December 1874. Unfortunately, simultaneous negotiation with Western Union and ATC resulted in a lawsuit.
    Alexander Graham Bell was granted a patent for a telephone in March 1876 while Edison was still working on the same idea. His improvements allowed the device to operate over a distance of hundreds of miles instead of only a few miles. Tests were carried out over the 106 miles (170 km) between New York and Philadelphia. Edison applied for a patent on the carbon-button transmitter in April 1877, Western Union agreeing to pay him $6,000 a year for the seventeen-year duration of the patent. In these years he was also working on the development of the electric lamp and on a duplicating machine which would make up to 3,000 copies from a stencil. In 1876–7 he moved from Newark to Menlo Park, twenty-four miles (39 km) from New York on the Pennsylvania Railway, near Elizabeth. He had bought a house there around which he built the premises that would become his "inventions factory". It was there that he began the use of his 200- page pocket notebooks, each of which lasted him about two weeks, so prolific were his ideas. When he died he left 3,400 of them filled with notes and sketches.
    Late in 1877 he applied for a patent for a phonograph which was granted on 19 February 1878, and by the end of the year he had formed a company to manufacture this totally new product. At the time, Edison saw the device primarily as a business aid rather than for entertainment, rather as a dictating machine. In August 1878 he was granted a British patent. In July 1878 he tried to measure the heat from the solar corona at a solar eclipse viewed from Rawlins, Wyoming, but his "tasimeter" was too sensitive.
    Probably his greatest achievement was "The Subdivision of the Electric Light" or the "glow bulb". He tried many materials for the filament before settling on carbon. He gave a demonstration of electric light by lighting up Menlo Park and inviting the public. Edison was, of course, faced with the problem of inventing and producing all the ancillaries which go to make up the electrical system of generation and distribution-meters, fuses, insulation, switches, cabling—even generators had to be designed and built; everything was new. He started a number of manufacturing companies to produce the various components needed.
    In 1881 he built the world's largest generator, which weighed 27 tons, to light 1,200 lamps at the Paris Exhibition. It was later moved to England to be used in the world's first central power station with steam engine drive at Holborn Viaduct, London. In September 1882 he started up his Pearl Street Generating Station in New York, which led to a worldwide increase in the application of electric power, particularly for lighting. At the same time as these developments, he built a 1,300yd (1,190m) electric railway at Menlo Park.
    On 9 August 1884 his wife died of typhoid. Using his telegraphic skills, he proposed to 19-year-old Mina Miller in Morse code while in the company of others on a train. He married her in February 1885 before buying a new house and estate at West Orange, New Jersey, building a new laboratory not far away in the Orange Valley.
    Edison used direct current which was limited to around 250 volts. Alternating current was largely developed by George Westinghouse and Nicola Tesla, using transformers to step up the current to a higher voltage for long-distance transmission. The use of AC gradually overtook the Edison DC system.
    In autumn 1888 he patented a form of cinephotography, the kinetoscope, obtaining film-stock from George Eastman. In 1893 he set up the first film studio, which was pivoted so as to catch the sun, with a hinged roof which could be raised. In 1894 kinetoscope parlours with "peep shows" were starting up in cities all over America. Competition came from the Latham Brothers with a screen-projection machine, which Edison answered with his "Vitascope", shown in New York in 1896. This showed pictures with accompanying sound, but there was some difficulty with synchronization. Edison also experimented with captions at this early date.
    In 1880 he filed a patent for a magnetic ore separator, the first of nearly sixty. He bought up deposits of low-grade iron ore which had been developed in the north of New Jersey. The process was a commercial success until the discovery of iron-rich ore in Minnesota rendered it uneconomic and uncompetitive. In 1898 cement rock was discovered in New Village, west of West Orange. Edison bought the land and started cement manufacture, using kilns twice the normal length and using half as much fuel to heat them as the normal type of kiln. In 1893 he met Henry Ford, who was building his second car, at an Edison convention. This started him on the development of a battery for an electric car on which he made over 9,000 experiments. In 1903 he sold his patent for wireless telegraphy "for a song" to Guglielmo Marconi.
    In 1910 Edison designed a prefabricated concrete house. In December 1914 fire destroyed three-quarters of the West Orange plant, but it was at once rebuilt, and with the threat of war Edison started to set up his own plants for making all the chemicals that he had previously been buying from Europe, such as carbolic acid, phenol, benzol, aniline dyes, etc. He was appointed President of the Navy Consulting Board, for whom, he said, he made some forty-five inventions, "but they were pigeonholed, every one of them". Thus did Edison find that the Navy did not take kindly to civilian interference.
    In 1927 he started the Edison Botanic Research Company, founded with similar investment from Ford and Firestone with the object of finding a substitute for overseas-produced rubber. In the first year he tested no fewer than 3,327 possible plants, in the second year, over 1,400, eventually developing a variety of Golden Rod which grew to 14 ft (4.3 m) in height. However, all this effort and money was wasted, due to the discovery of synthetic rubber.
    In October 1929 he was present at Henry Ford's opening of his Dearborn Museum to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the incandescent lamp, including a replica of the Menlo Park laboratory. He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal and was elected to the American Academy of Sciences. He died in 1931 at his home, Glenmont; throughout the USA, lights were dimmed temporarily on the day of his funeral.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Member of the American Academy of Sciences. Congressional Gold Medal.
    Further Reading
    M.Josephson, 1951, Edison, Eyre \& Spottiswode.
    R.W.Clark, 1977, Edison, the Man who Made the Future, Macdonald \& Jane.

    Biographical history of technology > Edison, Thomas Alva

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Magnetometer — A magnetometer is a measuring instrument used to measure the strength or direction of a magnetic field either produced in the laboratory or existing in nature. Some countries such as the USA, Canada and Australia classify the more sensitive… …   Wikipedia

  • Carboniferous Period — Interval of geologic time 354–290 million years ago, marked by great changes in world geography. All the landmasses drew closer together as a result of tectonic plate movements. The supercontinent Gondwana occupied much of the Southern Hemisphere …   Universalium

  • Holocene Epoch — formerly Recent Epoch Latest interval of the Earth s geologic history, dating from 10,000 years ago to the present. The younger of the two epochs that constitute the Quaternary Period, the Holocene follows the last glacial stage of the… …   Universalium

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